Finally, an Easier Way to Find a Book to Take on Your Next Trip!

I’m getting ready for another trip and as usual, I’m on the hunt for a few good books (preferably novels) set in my destination location. This time, I’m heading to New Orleans and while searching for good stories set in the Big Easy, I came across a link to Trip Fiction and I was all “Where have you been all my life??”. So, because sharing things is nice, I’m sharing it with you! 🙂

What exactly is TripFiction? I’ll let TripFiction explain it:

TripFiction features novels set in over 1,000 cities and countries from around the world – so your destination is almost bound to be covered.

TripFiction was created to make it easy to match a location with a book and help you select the literature that is most pertinent and relevant to your trip in a way that has not been practical before. You can search books by location, by author, by genre – and cross reference across all three.

Here’s to making hunting for a good travel read easier!



3 thoughts on “Finally, an Easier Way to Find a Book to Take on Your Next Trip!

    1. I’ve got a few titles I’m considering (in no particular order):
      – Confederacy of Dunces
      – The Missing (which got props from Annie Proulx, so it might interest you)
      – A Free Man of Color
      – A Separate Country
      – The Neon Rain
      – The Feast of All Saints or The Witching Hour

      Any thoughts on which of those I should start with, Andrea? I’d love to hear what your parents recommend too!


      1. My mom and dad suggested Confederacy of Dunces, which I read a long time ago and wasn’t crazy about. But I could have just been young and naive 😉 The only other one on that list I’ve ever heard of is The Witching Hour, which sucked me in and I never wanted to come out. I may need to read it again.


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